Porters Neck

Porters Neck

The gated neighborhood of Porters Neck Plantation has a lot to offer, whether you're hoping to start a family or are looking forward to an active and relaxing retirement. If you're careful with your monthly spending, our neighborhood features low HOA dues and low taxes (just New Hanover county taxes); our country club membership is optional, but if you wish to join, it offers multiple membership levels at reasonable pricing.

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Things To Do In Porters Neck

Porters Neck

The gated neighborhood of Porters Neck Plantation has a lot to offer, whether you're hoping to start a family or are looking forward to an active and relaxing retirement. If you're careful with your monthly spending, our neighborhood features low HOA dues and low taxes (just New Hanover county taxes); our country club membership is optional, but if you wish to join, it offers multiple membership levels at reasonable pricing.

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